North Brooklyn has been an epicenter of the displacement crisis for decades. Thousands of our neighbors, disproportionately working class, multi-generational, Latinx residents, have been violently evicted from their homes and forced out of our community. Now, COVID and the ensuing economic crisis is prepared to cause an unprecedented avalanche of evictions and is the greatest threat to mass homelessness our City has faced since the Great Depression.
An temporary eviction moratorium is in place until October, but the loopholes are plentiful and all levels of government have failed to protect tenants. And the most recent New York City budget slashed funding for St. Nicks Alliance tenant advocacy efforts.
Since 1975, St. Nicks Alliance has proudly been at the forefront of tenant advocacy efforts to organize, empower, and fight for North Brooklyn tenants to remain in their homes. St. Nicks Alliance is launching a COVID Eviction Fund to seek support from our community to help keep neighbors in their homes.
St. Nicks Alliance organizers are the last line of defense for our neighbors against the pending tsunami of evictions, but we need your help. Please donate today.