5th Annual BK Story Voyager Touch a Truck! - Save $5 on Tickets Before 9/29!
July 10, 2017 @ 9:31AM — September 30, 2017 @ 11:30PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
To support the BK Story Voyager!

The 5th annual North Brooklyn Touch-a-Truck fundraiser raises operating funds such as purchasing cool children's books for the BK Story Voyager! - literacy on wheels, a fun, book distribution system that supports parents and schools by infusing and promoting a passion for reading in the lives of children in particular under served communities! Reading is the gateway to all learning and research shows direct correlation between the number of books children read and their level of academic achievement. Academic achievement correlates to a lifetime of income and family self-sufficiency. Children will be able to borrow books from the BK Story Voyager! and track books read through a dedicated web page.
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Vendor Table, $750 - includes one 6-foot table and one event ticket. Vendor tables will be set up in the back of McCarren Park Pool. Set up begins at 9am.
Cheer Leader, $1,500 - Logo on dedicated web page & vendor table at the event.
Community Leader, $2,500 - Logo on dedicated web page and banner & vendor table at the event.
Leader, $5,000 - Logo on dedicated web page and banner Sponsor information at the Sponsors table & vendor table at the event.
Business Leader, $10,000 - Logo on dedicated web page and banner; Premier placement of Sponsor information at the Sponsors table & two vendor tables at the event.
Prime Sponsor, $15,000 - Premier logo placement on all marketing materials (flyers, banners, e-communications, dedicated web page), two dedicated Sponsor tables at the event (6 foot tables) and premier placement of table. Participation at press events.